Silly Seraphina | Books | Angela Gooliaff
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Seraphina's School Day Routine

As Monday arrives, Seraphina gears up for school, though she just woke up! The morning checklist includes breakfast, getting dressed, brushing teeth, and face washing. But what sets this silly little girl apart is her insatiable curiosity, marked by a cascade of questions she throws at her mommy. Silly? Perhaps. Smart and brimming with energy? Absolutely.

Inquisitive Energizer

Meet Seraphina, the inquisitive dynamo who loves learning new things. Her boundless energy is fueled by a barrage of questions - Why this? Why what? Why, Mommy? Far from being just silly, Seraphina's questioning nature keeps her mommy both laughing and on her toes.

Illustrated Inquisitiveness

Illustrating the wonderfully Silly Seraphina for Lucy Fraschini was a pleasure. This engaging tale, published by FriesenPress, captures the spirit of a lively character who embraces learning with a delightful curiosity that will resonate with young readers.

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